Points of Consensus
Approved February 6, 1997
Maryland Intersegmental Chief
Academic Officers


These principles have been developed by the
CAOs of Marylands higher education institutions in
conjunction with the development and implementation in 1996 of
the General Education and Transfer regulations. Our
purpose is to provide direction for those seeking to interpret
the requirements as they are applied across institutions. These
principles are neither binding nor regulatory but do provide the
best thinking of a large and diverse group charged with defining
the new relationship among all institutions implicit in the
General Education regulations. It is expected that these
principles will be amended as necessary, clarified as
institutions require and otherwise edited as the CAOs see
fit--always with the goal of facilitating the General
Education and Transfer regulations.
Title 13B, Maryland Higher
Education Commission, Subtitle 02 Academic Regulations, Subtitle
06 General Education and Transfer, .02 Definitions
"... (7) "General education"
means the foundation of the higher education curriculum providing
a coherent intellectual experience for all students.
(8) "General education program" means
a program that is designed to introduce undergraduates to the
fundamental knowledge, skills, and values that are essential to
the study of academic disciplines, to encourage the pursuit of
life-long learning, and to foster the development of educated
members of the community and the world."
A. Courses
- Every course designated as a general
education course by any Maryland public institution must
satisfy all criteria for general education courses set
forth in the MHEC regulations. General education courses
in the five specified areas shall provide sufficient
breadth and depth in fundamental core knowledge and
skills to introduce students to "ways of
thinking" in that discipline.
- Statewide faculty groups representing the
two- and four-year public institutions will be encouraged
to develop and recommend broad guidelines for the
standards of general education courses in the five
specified areas. The recommendations from these
groups will be forwarded to the CAO group for agreement,
implementation, and inclusion in the Guiding
- In a given discipline, there may be
multiple courses that can satisfy all criteria for
general education courses and therefore any one of which
can be used to satisfy a general education requirement
for that discipline/area. Specific general education
courses within a discipline may fulfill both general
education and major requirements simultaneously. NOTE: In
the case where a student changes majors, s/he may be
required to complete additional courses for the major. In
some cases, these courses may also be applicable to
general education and therefore give the false perception
that the student is being required to complete additional
general education requirements. All institutions are
encouraged to communicate to the student that these
courses are required for completion of the new major, not
the imposition of additional general education
- At a given institution, if a course is
designated as a general education requirement for
students in one major, then the course will satisfy the
general education requirement for any student
irrespective of that student's major or degree program.
These courses must satisfy the conditions outlined in
items 1, 2, and 3 above.
- One of the intentions of the general
education regulations is to ensure that students are not
required to duplicate course work unnecessarily. However,
it is recognized that each institution retains the
autonomy to define its general education requirements
within the parameters of the regulations.
- Each course applied towards fulfillment of
the five mandatory general education categories must
carry a minimum of three semester hours, except in the
case of quarter hours, where 4 quarter hours is
equivalent to 2.67 semester hours. In such cases, a
minimum of 2.67 semester hours will apply towards
fulfillment of a general education course requirement.
Where courses carry three quarter hours (equivalent to
two semester hours), two quarters of a course sequence
may be combined to fulfill one course requirement. In
such cases, two quarters of a course sequence would be
combined to be "equivalent" to one four
semester hour course.
- Any course applied towards fulfillment of
requirements in the optional category,
"Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues" need
not carry a minimum number of semester hours.
B. General Education Categories
- In cases where the student exceeds the
number of general education courses required in a given
category by the sending institution, the receiving
institution may apply the excess course(s) towards
general education if appropriate to its general education
requirements. For example, a student completes 3 general
education courses in the social science category, where
the sending institution requires only 2 but the receiving
institution requires three. The receiving institution may
apply the excess course towards the social science
general education category if it meets the distribution
of and is appropriate to the general education
requirements as defined by receiving institution.
- The intent of the Interdisciplinary and
Emerging Issues category is to provide institutions with
flexible academic approaches to general education.
Interdisciplinary courses need not integrate knowledge
and skills from all five core general education areas.
- Courses will transfer into categories as
designated by the sending institution. If the receiving
institution has no emerging issues category, these
transferred courses will be placed in the most
appropriate category as determined by the receiving
C. Distribution
- The distribution of two courses in the
Arts and Humanities category may be met by any two
disciplines within the Arts and/or Humanities. It is not
required that there be one course in an Arts discipline
and one course in a Humanities discipline.
D. Definitions
- Definition of Continuous Enrollment
(degree-seeking students):
In order to be considered continuously
enrolled, degree-seeking students must, a.) be, or have been,
enrolled at a Maryland public institution of higher
education, and, b.) have had no more than two sequential
years of non-enrollment. The maximum time-to-degree allowed
shall be determined by the receiving institution. For the purpose
of this definition, "degree-seeking students" refers to any student taking
credit courses that will contribute to the student obtaining an approved
degree or certificate award, or refers to students specifically defined as
"degree-seeking students" by the sending institution.
E. "Grandfathering" Guidelines
- Effective fall 1996, all new first-time
students entering two and four-year public institutions
will be required to complete the new general education
- All current or continuing students have
two choices:
(a) Change to the
fall 1996 catalog requirements and complete new program
and new general education requirements. Previously
completed, transferable general education courses will
continue to apply and additional general education
courses must be completed from the fall 1996 list.
(b) Complete the degree requirements of
the catalog under which they first enrolled. Minimum
distribution requirements in effect prior to fall 1996
for English, behavioral/social science, arts and
humanities, mathematics and science must be met.
Previously completed, transferable general education
courses from the pre-fall 1996 list will continue to
fulfill general education requirements. Students
anticipating transfer will be encouraged to select
remaining general education courses from the 1996 general
education list in order to maximize transferability.
- Effective immediately (fall 1995), all
foreign language and speech courses designated as general
education by sending institutions will be applied toward
the general education requirements in accordance with the
new general education policy, regardless of date
completed or transferred.
F. Non-traditional Credit
- The assignment of credit for
non-traditional coursework equivalency, e.g. AP, CLEP,
IB, or, other nationally recognized standard examination
scores, and credit for experiential learning, presented
by transfer students will be determined as follows:
If not identified as meeting general
education requirements at the sending institution, the
evaluation will be in accordance with the same standards
applied to "native" students at the receiving
If designated as meeting general education
requirements by the sending institution, and used by the
individual student to fulfill these requirements, the credit
earned at the sending institution will be accepted by the
receiving institution and applied to its general education
- In an effort to facilitate the transfer of
non-traditional credits used to satisfy general education
requirements, faculty discipline groups, using the ACE
recommendations, current practices at Maryland public
institutions, and recommendations formulated by the
subcommittee on Non-traditional Credit as a start, will
be convened to agree upon and recommend the appropriate
minimum level of performance for acceptance of AP, CLEP,
and other nationally recognized standard examination
In the future, faculty discipline groups
must also be convened to make recommendations on the general
education transferrability and appropriateness of other
non-traditional and experiential coursework and
equivalencies. The faculty will also be asked to make
recommendations to the CAOs for consideration of the issue of
requiring a grade of "C" or better for general
education coursework.
February 9, 1996
Revised February 28, 1996
Revised March 14, 1996
Revised April 8, 1996
Revised November 7, 1996
Revised December 5, 1996
Approved February 6, 1997
Revised November 24, 1998

List of Appendices
Statement of Expectations: Freshman Writing
Composition: Standards for a "C" Paper
Attributes of General Education Mathematics Courses
of the Arts & Humanities Area Group
- Standards for
General Education Speech Communication Courses
of the Biological & Physical Sciences Area Group
of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Area Group
of the Interdisciplinary & Emerging Issues Area Group
Education Requirement Substitution: Best Practices
(Guidelines for application of policy for students with